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I Do Not Nullify The Grace of god


Galatians 2:19-21 I have been crucified with Christ; yet I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me; insofar as I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who has loved me and given himself up for me. I do not nullify the grace of God.

I have been crucified with Christ. Christ lives in me. I do not nullify the grace of God.

Crucifixion is painful. It can’t not be. There can be no easy crucifixion. Christ hung alone on the Cross. However, I am crucified WITH Christ. Not near Him or at the same time as Him - WITH Him. I am on HIS cross. I am IN His wounds. I am pained and in real suffering and the fully God Christ our Lord is with me.

I. Do. Not. Nullify. The. Grace. Of. God.

Hear our Lord say to you:

My Beloved, you are precious to me, but you are small. You needn’t bear the burden of the world. I don’t say this to cut you down or break you, but to relieve the pressure. You fret because you don’t see the way, but *I* see the way. I AM the way. I don’t hide it from you to be mean or elusive or domineering. I hide it to allow you freedom from worry and freedom to just experience my love.

You want to sit at my feet and relax, here you go! You fight me to hold on to control and it’s not only that I know better how to orchestrate it. It’s that you don’t have the power, stamina, or knowledge to orchestrate it. Nor do you need to. You see only what is so far. I see it all and what is yet to come. You see only part of your own heart, none of anyone else’s and only a small part of what is external. I not only see it all, I formed it all. I know how it is perfectly meant to work, how and why it’s broken, and how far we are on the path of healing.

I love you, and I can handle it all.

I will think of everything. You think only of loving me.

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